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May 16 - Acts 16: 22-34

Fr. Michael MachacekNativity of Our LordMay 16, 2023

today's other readings are Psalm 138 and John 16: 5-11

Today's passage form the Act of the Apostles features an earthquake at midnight that frees Paul and Silas. This image is a metaphor of St. Luke (the author of Acts) for the ongoing power of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. One of Luke's intentions in his writing of Acts was to retell the Gospel story of Jesus in the life of the Early Church. What Jesus did in His ministry – preach, heal and raise from the dead – the Apostles and Disciples of the Early Church now do. That was their mission - as Jesus commanded them to do at the end of St. Matthew's gospel.  To go, to teach, to continue to make disciples.  2000 years later, it still is our mission.

This also must be the mission of our parish community.  In the months, and for that matter, years to come, you will be hearing more about this. 

So, as the saying goes, "Stay tuned".