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Nativity of Our Lord

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Jan. 26 - Lk. 10: 1-9

Fr. Michael MachacekNativity of Our LordJanuary 26, 2024

today's other readings are 2 Tim. 1: 1-8 and Psalm 96

On this feast of Sts. Timothy and Titus, two of St. Paul's disciples, the church gives us special readings for the day.  In our gospel we hear of how the harvest is rich but the labourers are few. How true.

St. Paul knew that he would need people to carry on his work of evangelizing the Gentiles.  Timothy and Titus were two of them, and we are the beneficiaries of his letters to both of them found in the New Testament.  For one day Paul would be gone, but the work needed to be continued, just like Jesus knew that one day He would return to heaven, but the work needed to be continued.

That legacy of sharing and passing on the faith now falls on us.  Not just me, but all of us.  All of us are called be modern day versions of Timothy and Titus.  All are needed to share the Good News.  All of us.

PS - Dear Reader, I will be away next week, so my next post, God willing, will be on Tues. Feb. 6th.  Until then, God bless!