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Nativity of Our Lord

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Easter Thursday - Acts 3: 11-26

Fr. Michael MachacekNativity of Our LordApril 4, 2024

today's other readings are Psalm 8 and Lk. 24: 35-48

St. Luke the Evangelist bestowed upon us 2 great gifts: the gospel named after him, and the Acts of the Apostles.  In both cases, you will notice at the start of each book he addresses a person called Theophilus, "friend of God", which may be either a person that Luke knew or could be a collective of people, as Theophilus was a common Greek name for a man at that time.

The acts of the Apostles is an account of some the works, events and teachings of the early Christian church.  Today's reading is a continuation of yesterday's reading (3: 1-10), which centres upon the healing of a lame man by Peter and John.  

All those who witnessed the healing or else knew the man beforehand are amazed. Peter tells the people it is not by their power that the man was healed, but by God.

This statement of Peter's is a challenge to all of us.  For all the good we do, and the works we accomplish, yes, they are our efforts, but nothing can be done without God.  After all, he gave us our gifts and talents and life and faith.  And it is the Spirit that ultimately prompts any such good actions.  As Peter rightly points out, in the end, all the glory goes to God, not us.