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Easter Friday - John 21: 1-14

Fr. Michael MachacekNativity of Our LordApril 5, 2024

today's readings are Acts 4: 1-12 and Psalm 118

Dear, dear Peter - a complete package of contradictions.  Passionate, and yet fearful.   Impetuous, yet methodical.  Faith filled, and at times, faithless.  Loyal, but also a betrayer.  Wise, and then incredibly silly.  And with all that, he would be the rock on which Jesus would build the Church. Today we read of an example of Peter's impetuous nature and silliness.  

John realizes that it is the risen Jesus speaking to them from the shore.  Peter, put on his clothes and jumps into the sea, swimming to Jesus.  This is going to be a 90 m swim.  And he is going to do so fully clothed.  Not a good idea.  In fact, a downright dumb idea.  

You can just picture him, arriving on the shore, exhausted, gasping for air, the water pouring off his clothes.  And I can picture Jesus looking at him and thinking, "What a knucklehead!"

But a bit later in this story, starting with verse 15, we see Peter's faith being put to the test. as he is asked 3 times by Jesus, "Do you love me?".  Peter passes the test, although Jesus warns him of the terrible death Peter would endure.  Even with that insight, Peter will still follow the Lord.

How many times I think of myself like Peter, with all the same qualities that are listed in the 1st paragraph. 

Do you ever feel that you are like Peter?  But importantly, are you following Jesus just like Peter would?