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April 10 - John 3: 16-21

Fr. Michael MachacekNativity of Our LordApril 10, 2024

today's other readings are Acts 5: 17-26 and Psalm 34

Just as we needed to read the Monday's gospel passage to fully appreciate yesterday's passage, so to the same applies for today.   For the famous passage of John 3:16-21  is only fully understood by reading 3:14-15 first.

There are some fundamental points being made here:

1) Jesus's passion and death on the cross would be crucial to our salvation;

2) we are saved through His death and resurrection, and His actions give us the possibility of eternal life.  Yes we will die, but what He did can mean that our lives will not end, but change in a glorious way, when we die.

3) it is up to us to accept and believe this. 

And as to point #3, dear reader, God says, "It's your call".