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June 12 - 1 Kings 18: 20-39

Fr. Michael MachacekNativity of Our LordJune 12, 2024

today's other readings are Psalm 16 and Matt. 5: 17-19

Brash. Bold. Courageous.  These words come to mind about the prophet Elijah.  

There he is, on Mt. Carmel, in the face of many opponents - 450 prophets of Baal, countless Israelites who have turned their backs on God, and the spineless and evil King Ahab.  Things are not looking good. 

He puts a proposition before the people - they are impressed by its wisdom, so they agree.  Now And show begins.  Baal's prophets do their best.  But no answer.  Now it's Elijah's turn.  Notice he begin by inviting the people to get closer to him - not just to see better what he is going to do, but get closer to the one who speaks the word of God.  He repairs the altar, a living image of how the people have damaged their relationship with God.  Then he makes the sacrifice even harder, with the pouring of water, a precious commodity in the Holy Land.  Then he calls on God.  And we hear what happens next.  

One question remains for me  - while the people proclaim that the Lord is God, how long did their affirmation last?  How well grounded was it?  As the months and years pass, were they as committed to the faith as they were on that day?

We can be like them, dear reader.  At times we boldly proclaim and live our faith.  But sometimes we turn our backs.  

Let us pray that we remain steadfast to the faith.